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The lockdown generation will get life-changing support through major reforms to get Britain working again

Tarini Tyagi [Source: Press Release] 2024-09-18 04:21:07 United Kingdom

The lockdown generation will get life-changing support through major reforms to get Britain working again
The lockdown generation will get life-changing support through major reforms to get Britain working again

Imagine being stuck in a rut, with no way out. That's the reality for millions of young people in the UK, who've been left behind by the system. The "lockdown generation" has been abandoned, forced to rely on foodbanks and struggling to make ends meet. But all hope is not lost! The Minister for Employment has vowed to turn the tide, promising life-changing support to get Britain working again.

From Department for Work and Pensions:

  • Record number of young people out of work due to long-term sickness – up 29% since the pandemic – and nearly 900,000 not in education, work, or training.
  • We must move away from the obsession with welfare and boost employment with fundamental change, says Minister for Employment.
  • Get Britain Working White Paper will transform workplaces and help drive government’s national mission for growth.

Lockdown generation consigned to the ‘scrapheap’ will get life-changing support into work, vows Minister

The UK's employment crisis is a ticking time bomb, with 2.8 million people out of work and over 9 million economically inactive. Young people are bearing the brunt of this disaster, with nearly 900,000 not in education, employment, or training. The latest figures show a staggering 600,000 16-24-year-olds are unemployed, and the number of long-term sick individuals has hit a record high.

But the Minister for Employment, Alison McGovern, is not just sitting idly by. She's pledged to "turn the page" on years of failure and focus on helping people into work. Her plan includes a Youth Guarantee, providing work, apprenticeships, and skills training to every young person who needs it.

The government is also taking immediate action to transform Britain's workforce through Skills England and plans to cut NHS waiting times. A Get Britain Working Again White Paper will be released in the Autumn, outlining plans to overhaul jobcentres and deliver a youth guarantee.

Additional Information

Key Points:

  • The Minister for Employment has vowed to help the "lockdown generation" get back to work
  • The UK's employment service is described as "the least well-used in Europe"
  • A Youth Guarantee will provide work, apprenticeships, and skills training to young people
  • The government plans to overhaul job centres and deliver a youth guarantee
  • Immediate action is being taken to transform Britain's workforce through Skills England and plans to cut NHS waiting times