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Related Tags: planning inspectorate performance, appeals statistics, planning decisions, nationally significant infrastructure projects, NSIPs, casework backlog, householder appeals.

BUSTED: The Shocking Truth About Planning Inspectorate Performance Revealed - Are You Getting the Answers You Need

Tarini Tyagi [Source: Press Release] 2024-09-19 08:07:17 United Kingdom

BUSTED: The Shocking Truth About Planning Inspectorate's Performance Revealed - Are You Getting the Answers You Need?
BUSTED: The Shocking Truth About Planning Inspectorate's Performance Revealed - Are You Getting the Answers You Need?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes for your planning appeal to be decided? Or what's behind the long wait times for crucial decisions on nationally significant infrastructure projects? Look no further! In this exclusive update, we dive into the latest statistics from the Planning Inspectorate, revealing the truth behind their performance and what it means for you. From shocking backlogs to innovative new solutions, we're about to uncover the most pressing issues in planning and infrastructure.

The Planning Inspectorate is responsible for handling a significant volume of appeals cases every month. According to their latest statistics, they have made 18,458 appeal decisions in the last 12 months, with an average of 1,538 per month. Despite this impressive number, the number of cases closed has exceeded the number of cases received for each of the past 12 months, with the exception of March and June 2024.

The Inspectorate is committed to reducing their casework backlog and achieving more consistent timeframes for deciding planning cases by written representations. In August, the median decision time for written representations was 24 weeks, compared to 30 weeks in November 2023.

Median decision times 

The median decision time for cases decided in August was 26 weeks. The average over the past 12 months was 28 weeks. 

In addition to appeals, the Planning Inspectorate also handles Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs). There are currently 74 NSIPs at various stages, with 18 submitted and awaiting examination. The Inspectorate has also granted development consent to two NSIPs this month: Cottam Solar Project and Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

National Infrastructure 

We have a high number of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) at various stages, but we continue to meet all statutory deadlines: 

  •  74 where we are providing advice before submission. 
  •  18 submitted and at acceptance, pre-examination, or examination. 
  •  4 where we are preparing our recommendation. 
  •  9 where the relevant Secretary of State is considering our recommendation. 

So far this month two NSIPs have been granted development consent by the relevant Secretary of State: 

Local Plans 

There are currently 50 live Local Plan examinations in progress. 

We encourage Local Planning Authorities (LPA) to use our advisory visits to help them get their plans in good shape and deal with challenges well before submission.

The Inspectorate is also trialing a new Beta service for Householder Appeals with the London Borough of Barnet. This pilot aims to enhance the appeals process, making it more efficient and user-friendly for all stakeholders.

Key Points:

  • The Planning Inspectorate has made 18,458 appeal decisions in the last 12 months.
  • The number of cases closed has exceeded the number of cases received for each of the past 12 months.
  • The median decision time for written representations was 24 weeks in August.
  • The Planning Inspectorate is trialing a new Beta service for Householder Appeals with the London Borough of Barnet.
  • There are currently 74 Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects at various stages.