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Sudan Conflict Ceasefire: US and Allies Push for Peace Talks

Tarini Tyagi [Source: Press Release] 2024-07-24 12:59:35 US-Special

Sudan Conflict Ceasefire: U.S. and Allies Push for Peace Talks
Sudan Conflict Ceasefire: U.S. and Allies Push for Peace Talks

In a crucial move to end the devastating conflict in Sudan, the United States has invited the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to participate in ceasefire talks. Co-hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Switzerland, these talks are set to begin on August 14, 2024, aiming to halt the violence that has ravaged the nation.

A Glimmer of Hope for Sudan:

The conflict in Sudan has resulted in unimaginable suffering, with millions on the brink of starvation and nearly 10 million people displaced. Over the past 15 months, the humanitarian crisis has worsened, prompting international efforts to bring about peace. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced the invitation to ceasefire talks, expressing the United States' commitment to ending the war.

The Jeddah Processes:

Building on earlier peace initiatives facilitated in Jeddah, the upcoming talks in Switzerland represent a significant step forward. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Switzerland will co-host the discussions, with the African Union, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Nations serving as observers. This collaborative effort underscores the global commitment to resolving the Sudanese conflict.

Sudan Ceasefire Talks

Objectives of the Talks:

The primary goal of the ceasefire talks is to achieve a nationwide cessation of violence. This would allow for critical humanitarian access to those in need and establish a robust monitoring and verification mechanism to ensure the agreement's implementation. Notably, these discussions will not address broader political issues, focusing instead on immediate cessation of hostilities.

Path to Peace and Democracy:

Secretary Blinken emphasized that Sudan's governance must return to civilian control, with civilians leading the process to address political issues and restore democratic transition. The United States and its allies echo the Sudanese people's demands for peace and a democratic future.

Call for Constructive Engagement:

The United States urges both the SAF and RSF to approach the talks constructively, with a focus on saving lives and creating a pathway to a negotiated political solution. The international community stands united in calling for an end to the senseless conflict and the establishment of a brighter future for Sudan.

Sudan Ceasefire Talks

Key Points:

  • The U.S. invites Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to ceasefire talks starting on August 14, 2024, in Switzerland.
  • Talks co-hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Switzerland, with the African Union, Egypt, UAE, and UN as observers.
  • Aim to achieve a nationwide cessation of violence and enable humanitarian access.
  • Focus on establishing a robust monitoring and verification mechanism.
  • Talks do not address broader political issues but emphasize the need for civilian-led governance and democratic transition in Sudan.