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Strengthening Global Research: India and Japan Bilateral Cooperation for Social Science Innovation

Tarini Tyagi [Source: ICSSR] 2024-06-14 08:40:38 Education

Strengthening Global Research: India and Japan's Bilateral Cooperation for Social Science Innovation
Strengthening Global Research: India and Japan's Bilateral Cooperation for Social Science Innovation

In an exciting development for the global academic community, the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) have announced their "FY2025 Call for Proposals."

This initiative aims to foster sustained networks and collaborative research between Indian and Japanese social scientists, offering financial support and opportunities for groundbreaking joint research projects and seminars.

As the world faces increasingly complex social challenges, this bilateral program promises to harness the collective expertise of two leading nations in social science research, driving innovation and progress in the field.

Source of Information : ICSSR

1. Program outline

The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) carries out bilateral cooperative programs between India and Japan based on agreement concluded with them.

The aim of this program is to form sustained networks evolved from individual social scientist exchanges including young social scientists. ICSSR provides financial support to Indian Social Scientists implementing such bilateral joint research projects and seminars between research teams from India and Japan.

2. Eligibility & Other conditions

3. Expenses supported by ICSSR

ICSSR consigns the administration of projects to the Indian team leader’s affiliated institution. When using funds, please follow ICSSR’s rules.

ICSSR covers the following expenses of researchers on the Indian team:

1) Joint Research Projects

International travel 

International airfare between India and Japan.

Maintenance allowance by JSPS

Domestic travel 

Domestic travel expenses for members of Indian team

Domestic travel expenses and maintenance allowance for researchers of Japan during their stay in India

Other expenses

Consumables, honoraria, printing, communication, meeting expenses (in India), etc.


It is recommended that more than 50% of total funding should be used for international/domestic travel.


2) Joint Seminars held in India

Domestic travel 

Domestic travel expenses for members of Indian team (for joint seminar, preparatory meeting and/or debriefing held in India)

Domestic travel expenses and maintenance allowance for researchers of Japan during their stay in India

Meeting expenses

Consumables, honoraria, printing, communication, meeting expenses, reception, excursion, etc.


Joint Seminars held in Japan

International travel 

International airfare between India and Japan.

Maintenance allowance by JSPS

Following expenses incurred in India

Domestic travel 

Domestic travel expenses for members of India team (for preparatory meeting and/or debriefing held in India)

Meeting expenses

Consumables, honoraria, printing, communication, meeting expenses (for preparatory meeting and/or debriefing), etc.


Costs for holding the seminars are to be covered by the counterpart organization.


4. Application procedure at India

Applications must be submitted through email (and hard copy) on or before 3rd September 2024 by the Indian researchers.  The guidelines and application format are available at for Indian researchers & at for Japanese researchers.

Applications should be submitted on the prescribed Application Form to ICSSR for Indian scholars wishing to apply for joint research and to JSPS for Japanese scholars wishing to apply for joint research.

Applications must be submitted to (Contact Details):

ICSSR, New Delhi: Mr. M.P.Madhukar, Deputy Director, In-charge IC Division, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110 067, Tel: +91 (0) 11 - 26742832, Email:

JSPS, Japan :

Other instructions

Team leaders Japan are to submit their applications to JSPS in accordance with their guidelines appearing on their website. 

Researchers who are now or have been supported under any of ICSSR’s international programs in the past 5 years are required to describe the results or expected results of that research activity and, if any, its relevance to the project/seminar being applied for.

5. Selection criteria for ICSSR review

The following criteria are utilized in selection process:

a. Scientific excellence of projects/seminars

b. Necessity of cooperation, added value gained, and mutual research advancement through transfer of knowledge and expertise

c. Impact of outcomes on improving the quality of life, contributing to socioeconomic development, and/or solving prevailing social issues

d. Participation of young researchers and contribution to fostering them

e. Feasibility and concreteness of the research plan and expectation of its advancing the research

f. Policy impact of the study

In addition to the above criteria, the following points are also considered:

g. Contribution to researcher interaction in advancing the research during the project/seminar. (Only for the Joint Research Projects It is recommended that more than 50% of total funding should be used for international/domestic travel.)

h. Appropriateness of the budget plan

i. Appropriateness of the venue in case of seminar

6. Selection procedure

(1) ICSSR and JSPS may conduct separate reviews of the applications received by them.  Based on these review results, they may make joint selections.

(2) Selection results can be confirmed through email.   

7. Post-selection funding request to ICSSR

Upon selection, Indian team leaders must submit an implementation plan and funding request using the prescribed form. ICSSR will make funding allocations based on these documents and/or its budgetary condition. 

8. Obligation of Indian team leaders and their affiliated institutions

1. Project funds allocated by ICSSR are to be administered by the publicly funded university/college recognised by the UGC or a public funded research institute or ICSSR research institute

2. Team leaders must submit a report by the designated due date, which will be given public access, according to instructions by ICSSR.

3. Due acknowledgement of support by ICSSR and JSPS should be made in any publication resulting from the projects/seminars. 

9. Measures against misuse of research funds and handling of personal information, etc.

1. ICSSR will take appropriate measures (e.g. terminate project/seminar, require reimbursement of part or all of allocated funds) in cases of misuse of research funds, improper practices (e.g. fabrication, falsification, plagiarization), unjustifiable acts (e.g. discrimination, harassment), or violation of laws.

2. Researchers participating in research activities (excluding Seminars) under this program are obligated to complete a research ethics education course so as to prevent research misconduct. 

The names and affiliations of the team leaders, project/seminar titles and reports may be disclosed on ICSSR’s website and in its publications.

10. Others

1. ICSSR will not bear responsibility for any injury, sickness or accident incurred during travel related to the projects/seminars.

2. Team leaders on both sides are obligated to ensure the protection and proper distribution of intellectual property resulting from projects/seminars, in accordance with the laws and regulations of their countries. It is requested that the team leader’s home institution set certain rules on attribution of intellectual property.

3. ICSSR does not support the issuing of visas or the arrangement of the accommodations related to bilateral joint research projects/seminars.

11. ICSSR & JSPS contact information

Mr. M.P.Madhukar, Deputy Director, In-charge IC Division, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110 067, Tel: + 91 (0) 11 - 26742832, Email:


International Research Cooperation Division II,
International Program Department,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0083, JAPAN
Phone:  +81-3-3263-1755/2367/2362
E-mail: kenkyouka13[at]jsps[dot]go[dot]jp

12. Other Instructions

  • The number to be selected may change due to the budgetary situations and/or other conditions of ICSSR and JSPS.
  • Indian and Japanese team leaders should be sure that their counterpart submits a matching application.  Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted.
  • Based on an agreement with JSPS, the sending side will cover international travel expenses and insurance costs while the receiving side will cover domestic travel expenses and maintenance allowances. Costs associated with holding seminars will be covered by the receiving side.
  • The counterpart Japanese team leaders are to submit their applications to JSPS. Applications submitted by one side only will not be accepted. Indian/Japanese team leaders should, therefore, be sure that their counterpart submits a matching application.

ICSSR’s contact information:
International Collaboration Programme
Indian Council of Social Science Research: ICSSR
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
JNU Institutional Area, New Delhi-110067 (India)
(Tel) +91 (0)11 2674 2832
Email IDs: adinchargeics[at]gmail[dot]com