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Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Fears Assassination Over Israel Peace Talks

Tarini Tyagi 2024-08-16 12:40:37 World

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Fears Assassination Over Israel Peace Talks
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Fears Assassination Over Israel Peace Talks

In a shocking revelation, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reportedly expressed deep fears for his life as he navigates the perilous waters of normalizing relations with Israel.

Could his bold peace efforts lead to the ultimate sacrifice?

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is reportedly living in fear of assassination as he pushes forward with efforts to normalize relations with Israel—a move that could reshape the political landscape of the Middle East but also put his life in grave danger. According to a report by Politico, the Crown Prince, known for his ambitious vision and transformative policies, has privately conveyed to U.S. lawmakers his concerns about the deadly risks associated with his peace initiative.

During discussions with members of the U.S. Congress, bin Salman reportedly drew parallels to the fate of Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian leader who was assassinated after brokering peace with Israel in 1979. The Crown Prince is said to have questioned what steps the U.S. took to protect Sadat and voiced his own fears of facing a similar fate should his efforts to establish Saudi-Israeli ties succeed.

Key Points:

  • Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reportedly fears assassination due to his efforts to normalize relations with Israel.
  • He has privately expressed these concerns to U.S. lawmakers, drawing comparisons to the assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat.
  • The Crown Prince is worried about losing support within Saudi Arabia and across the Arab world due to the sensitive nature of Israeli-Palestinian relations.
  • The ongoing secretive negotiations between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. involve substantial American commitments, including security guarantees and economic investments.
  • The political risks for bin Salman are immense, as he seeks to balance his ambitious diplomatic goals with the potential for severe backlash.

The report highlights bin Salman's anxiety over the potential backlash not only from within his own nation but across the Arab world. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has heightened tensions, making any move toward peace with Israel a deeply contentious issue. The Saudi leader is aware that the streets of the Middle East, particularly in his homeland, are highly sensitive to the Palestinian cause. The Crown Prince reportedly acknowledged that his position as the custodian of Islam’s holiest sites could be jeopardized if he is perceived as compromising on the issue of Palestinian justice.

The discussions between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. remain shrouded in secrecy, with the potential deal involving significant U.S. commitments, including security guarantees, support for a civilian nuclear program, and economic investments. However, bin Salman’s concerns underline the precariousness of his position—both as a leader seeking to reshape Saudi Arabia's role on the world stage and as a target for those opposed to his bold diplomatic moves.