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2024 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey: A Golden Future Amid Uncertainty

Tarini Tyagi 2024-06-18 08:10:31 World

Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey Results 2024 - Image Source: World Gold Council
Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey Results 2024 - Image Source: World Gold Council

Central Banks' Bullish Sentiment on Gold Soars to New Heights

In a world of economic unpredictability and geopolitical turbulence, gold has retained its allure as a safe haven and a valuable asset. The World Gold Council's 2024 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey reveals that central banks are more bullish on gold than ever before. This year's survey, with responses from a record-breaking 70 central banks, underscores the growing importance of gold in global financial stability.

A Glimmer of Stability: Central Banks Eye More Gold Purchases

Despite the fluctuating global economy, central banks continue to place their trust in gold. According to the survey:

  • 29% of central banks plan to increase their gold reserves in the next 12 months.
  • 81% believe that official sector gold reserves will grow within the same period.

This sustained optimism reflects gold's enduring appeal as a hedge against economic instability and political uncertainty.

Long-Term Value: The Central Pillar of Gold's Appeal

The survey highlights that gold's role as a long-term store of value is the most compelling reason for central banks to hold this precious metal. This is followed by its robust performance during times of crisis. With 69% of central banks predicting that gold's share of reserves will be higher in five years, up from 62% last year, it is evident that the belief in gold’s enduring value is strengthening.

Convergence of Perspectives: Advanced and Emerging Economies Align on Gold's Importance

One of the most striking findings of the 2024 survey is the convergence in attitudes between advanced economy central banks and their emerging market counterparts. Historically, emerging markets have been more enthusiastic about gold. However, this year, advanced economies have shown a significant shift, now aligning closely with the perspectives of emerging markets. This alignment indicates a broad-based recognition of gold's vital role in ensuring economic stability.

Why Central Banks Are Betting on Gold?

The survey's results underscore several key reasons why central banks are increasingly turning to gold:

  • Safe Haven: Gold's performance during crises reaffirms its status as a reliable store of value.
  • Inflation Hedge: In an era of rising inflation, gold provides a protective barrier against currency devaluation.
  • Diversification: As a non-correlated asset, gold enhances the resilience of central bank portfolios.
  • Geopolitical Insurance: Amidst global tensions, gold serves as a safeguard against geopolitical risks.

What does stats say? From Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey

Chart 1: What proportion of total reserves (foreign exchange and gold) do you think will be denominated in US dollars 5 years from now? 

chart of What proportion of total reserves (foreign exchange and gold) do you think will be denominated in US dollars 5 years from now

Chart 2: What proportion of total reserves (foreign exchange and gold) do you think will be denominated in gold 5 years from now? (2022-2024 responses shown).

Chart 2: What proportion of total reserves (foreign exchange and gold) do you think will be denominated in gold 5 years from now? (2022-2024 responses shown).

Chart 3: How do you expect global central bank gold holdings to change over the next 12 months?

ow do you expect global central bank gold holdings to change over the next 12 months?

Conclusion: Gold's Glistening Future

The 2024 Central Bank Gold Reserves Survey paints a clear picture: gold's prominence in global reserves is set to rise. Central banks, regardless of their economic status, are increasingly unified in their recognition of gold's essential role. As they navigate the complexities of the modern economic landscape, gold remains a steadfast ally, ensuring stability and security in uncertain times.


Aspect 2024 Survey Findings
Central Banks Planning to Add Gold 29%
Growth in Official Sector Gold Reserves 81%
Gold's Share of Reserves in Five Years 69% (up from 62% last year)
Main Reason for Holding Gold Long-term store of value, performance during crises
Shift in Perspective Advanced economies now align more closely with emerging markets on gold’s importance


As central banks continue to fortify their reserves with gold, its role in global finance shines brighter than ever. The collective confidence in gold not only reflects its historical significance but also heralds a future where this precious metal remains a cornerstone of economic security.